Systems Scaffold – Standards


The Standard with Bolted Spigot is the vertical member that utilizes a removable spigot with a single bolt connection. The rosettes are located at fixed increments of 19.7″ (0.5m) for attaching horizontal Ledgers and Diagonal Braces.

Product Length Weight
Code Description Meters Feet KG LB
STD05.3005 Standard (1 Ring) 0.5 1′-8″ 3.41 7.52
STD01.3004 Standard (2 Ring) 1.0 3′-3″ 5.44 12.00
STD15.3003 Standard (3 Ring) 1.5 4′-11″ 7.87 17.35
STD20.3002 Standard (4 Ring) 2.0 6′-6″ 10.29 22.69
STD25.3001 Standard (5 Ring) 2.5 8′-2″ 12.90 28.44
STD30.3000 Standard (6 Ring) 3.0 9′-9″ 15.15 33.41